Best Buy Outlet has made its debut in a seemingly more permanent home in Northwest Houston. The “new store,” as it was announced earlier this year, is not truly brand new. As previously, Best Buy Outlet operated across 249, in a former Golf Galaxy location carved out of a mass ex-Venture/Kmart. While it is a bit disappointing that we ended up with a replacement store as opposed to a second location, let it be known that this Outlet store is much more on par with what you would expect. The previous location was cramped and had a focus on appliances. This new location has a much broader selection, including technology, in addition to the bulkier selection present at the old store. As of my visit, the store had been open for a bit over a month and was still filling out in terms of electronics, but it had a good selection otherwise.
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While it appears that the new Best Buy Outlet still largely looks appliance-focused, the rest of the store does have somewhat of a Best Buy type look. This is a big upgrade over the rather temporary looking ex-Golf Galaxy store across 249. With the failure of Sears Outlet, at least Willowbrook Mall now has some appliances out in an outparcel if nothing else.