Howdy folks and welcome to… what I’m hoping may become a somewhat regular feature here on Houston Historic Retail. This is what I’m calling a Permit Roundup, the majority of my information for this post is based on permits that have been filed with the City of Houston. The point of this is to provide one of the earliest possible looks at up and coming retail development throughout the Houston area, somewhat in the vein …
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This Week in Demolition: What’s Pappa’s Plan?
Welcome back to another Demolition Report. I’m trying a new format in which I compile the entire week into one post. Let me know what you think in the comments! This week we see a far wider selection of homes, with Demolition permits coming in from all around the city. One house that stuck out this week is what appears to be an original 1930s house with a second story addition from the 1950s. Interesting …
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