Tag: West Oaks Mall
A dead mall video, visiting West Oaks Mall in 2022
Howdy folks, and welcome back to Houston Historic Retail! Today we’re going on a quick walking tour of West Oaks Mall, so a lazy writing day for me! The entire video is about 15 minutes, but I get from one side of the mall to the other in about 7 minutes before walking back. There’s no useful audio as the mall was playing 95.7 FM, and I did not want to risk YouTube taking the …
Read moreAll quiet at the Taco Cabana
Taco Cabana is a unique restaurant, starting in 1978 from a single location in an old Dairy Queen in San Antonio they brought they idea of Drive Through Tex-Mex across a good portion of the Southern United States. Taco Cabana was so successful early on they even experienced a few imitators by the 80s such as Two Pesos who would later be famously sued by Taco Cabana. By the 90s the family involved with founding …
Read moreGrocery Options may have left the Target on Eldridge
During my recent blog post about the Super Target downgrade in Missouri City, I realized that another Super Target may have fared a similar fate. Looking back through my photos, I found some of the Super Target at Eldridge and Westheimer during construction. I wasn’t paying a great deal of attention at the time, but looking back at them now, I believe the grocery section may have been shrunk. My reasoning behind this lies partly …
Read moreWhat’s left of West Oaks Mall
Update 1/2022: Obviously this article gained traction somewhere on Facebook, but I can’t figure out where. I was actually already in the middle of preparing a more recent update to the mall, including some photos from the last month. If one of you kind souls could share with me which group/page this post was shared on, I’d appreciate it! -Mike Welcome back, today we’re taking a look at West Oaks Mall. A place which is …
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